
St Stephens exists to know God and to make Him known.  This is our purpose statement, our reason for existing, our mission. Underpinning this mission are our 5 Core Values – things that are important to us, that provide the foundations and the direction as we serve God. 

These 5 values are:

Centred in Christ - Taking God’s Word Seriously - Committed to Prayer - Growing in Unity - Impacting our Communities (local and abroad).

We see these values as not things that just ‘sit on a shelf’ -  the desire is that they undergird all we do; that they seep into our very DNA; to be constantly considered and established in the life of our ministries, our mission, our relationships.

In this way our mission and values overflow into everything we do individually and as a church, as we engage and apply ourselves to God’s word, training and equipping people and then committing ourselves to reaching out beyond ourselves to build bridges into the community, help other churches, support missionaries overseas and more. 

St Stephens is a small but growing collection of ordinary but extremely diverse individuals that God is knitting together as his people in this place. Whilst we draw on our Anglican heritage, and this will be particularly evident in our more traditional services, people from nearly every denominational background have joined with us in fellowship.

We invite you to be part of what God is doing in this place.



Uploaded by St Stephens Community Church on 2016-08-23.